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The Stuff – As we all know, there are plenty of companies in the United States that require employees or prospective employees to be screened for drug and alcohol use. So what does this mean for those who like to smoke a few joints or consume marijuana during their free time? Everyone’s body reacts differently to weed, which means that the length of time THC can be dectect in your system will vary from person to person. However, it’s thought that for regular smokers, marijuana can stay in the blood and urine for as long as 90 days after use.

Many believe that the only surefire way to pass a urine test is by using synthetic urine. In other words, fake pee (pretty gross, right?). However, there are also plenty of people who have claimed success from using what’s known as detox drinks.

Detox drinks basically help to dilute urine, which theoretically removes toxins from the body. Like almost all common detox methods, detox drinks contain laxatives, natural diuretics, medicinal herbs, and high doses of vitamins. (Though it’s worth pointing out that there’s a large discrepancy between industry standards – some detox drinks will be more effective than others, and each body will respond differently to the materials that are present).

Also, when using any detox drink it’s important to remember that there are a few factors that influence the length of time it will take to rid your body of THC, or any other unwanted agents for that matter. These factors  can include:

  • Frequency of exercise
  • The amount of cannabis consumed
  • Your metabolism
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • The potency of the cannabis consumed
  • How often you consume cannabis
  • The parameters of the test

Thus, for any pot smoker who is turning to various detox methods and “tricks” in order to rid their systems of weed in the event of an upcoming drug test, it’s important to realize that there’s no guaranteed, fool-proof method that works every time, all the time. What works for one person, may very well be ineffective for another.

That being said, The Stuff detox is one of those detox drinks that has a pretty good track record. They have been around for a few years now, and generally boast decent results in terms of being able to wipe out evidence of THC within a very short amount of time. So let’s take a closer look at the brand and how to use it, and see what they offer in terms of pros and cons compared to their competitors.

The Stuff Detox Review: A Brief Overview

When you are looking for an intensive cleaning solution, it’s impossible to look past The Stuff as one of the industry’s go-to products. This drink has been scientifically engineered to work with the body’s natural cleansing process, and we can ensure you based on anecdotal claims that it kicks your system into veritable overdrive.

It is an intense herbal marijuana cleanse that comes in a liquid mix form, and is available in Ferocious Fruit, Gushing Grape, or Citrus Explosion flavors – actually a decent taste compared to other detox drinks that’ll “cleanse your system” by making you want to puke your guts out.

The brand themselves state that the detox is designed for people who have “average” toxin levels (most likely these are consistent, multiple times per week smokers). It is recommended to consume at least 24-48 hours for pre-cleansing, and is formulated with fiber, herbs, minerals, and vitamins to provide a full-body flush.

In terms of its effectiveness, there are some very mixed reviews out there. People are either raving about it, or they claim that it doesn’t work at all. For the most part, you will need to follow the instructions very diligently to ensure success. Some users have suggested that it is more of a detox “assistant” than a quick fix, in other words, they claim it will help to intensify your natural detox regiment rather than doing everything by itself in a 24 hour timeframe. (Also, keep in mind the factors that we mentioned earlier which could affect results, such as metabolism and Body Mass Index).

There are some key ingredients that make-up The Stuff detox drink. These include:

  • Reverse Osmosis Water: This is a technology used to remove a large majority of contaminants from water by pushing it under pressure with a semipermeable membrane
  • Fructose: Fructose contains a low glycemic index and gives a moderate release of insulin (relative to glucose and sucrose) into the bloodstream
  • Citric Acid: An antioxidant, meaning that it protects the body from damaging free radicals
  • Natural Flavor: Healthier than artificial flavor, and more health effects
  • Sodium Benzoate: Helps regulate the levels of ammonia in your blood and prevents it from becoming too high
  • Potassium Sorbate (As Preservatives): A mass-produced synthetic preservative that prevents the breakdown of ingredients

According to The Stuff’s labeling claims, their product works within one hour and will be effective in removing unwanted toxins between 3-5 hours. It has been fortified with vitamin b2 and creatine in order to aid nutrition replacement. It does not need to be refrigerated. You can buy this product in a 16 oz. size for the average body size, and you will receive easy to read instructions and cleansing tips with your purchase.

The Stuff Detox Review: How it Works

If all this “stuff” (pun intended) seems too good to be true, it might be a good idea to take a look at how detox drinks in general like The Stuff work, as there is actually quite a bit of science behind what most people think is some kind of a magical power.

When you go for a urine drug test, they will test for the concentration of THC to detect whether or not you’ve recently used weed. Detox drinks are filled with minerals and vitamins that work to restore your urine’s normal composition, and they do this by wiping out any traces of “foreign” agents.

For example, vitamin B is what helps gives your urine its natural yellow color. The best detox drinks are packed with vitamin B to make your urine look like you didn’t attempt to dilute it, and it does this by removing toxins that alter the chemical composition of the body’s liquid waste material. The same goes for creatine monohydrate, which is a substance that restores the level of creatinine in your urine.

While many people assume that drinking detox drinks are the same thing as trying to dilute your urine by drinking lots of water, this is simply not the case. Rather, unlike diuretics and excess fluids detox drinks flush out chemicals like THC from your system while restoring your urine back to its normal color and chemical composition.

So when it comes to detox drinks, the minerals and vitamins do all the work for you (if you chug gallons of water on the other hand, all you’ll likely do is pee out a slightly-tinged fluid that will bee too dilute to screen, meaning you’ll be back at square one).

The Stuff Detox Review: Pros

Always keep in mind the various factors that could affect the outcome of a detox drink, and how results will vary from person to person. With this in mind, here are some of the pros of using The Stuff Detox:

  • No activator required – you simply pop the cap off and consume the detox drink as is.
  • Works in 60 minutes and can last up to an hour, thus you can use it on the day of the drug test
  • This is a cheap product, especially in comparison to other detox drinks that are available on the market. You can pick it up for as little as $14.99 on Amazon.
  • It is available for sale on a number of platforms, including Amazon like we just mentioned above. Or you could also purchase it through a wholesaler or general drug store like CVS or Walgreen’s

The Stuff Detox Review: Cons

  • Simply put, there is no guarantee that it will work. It is therefore up to you to take a calculated risk and decide if it’s worth it. If you’re really in a pinch, there are probably much better options with higher “success rate” in terms of passing a last minute drug test
  • For optimal results, you should try to begin a detox regime at least 24 hours before you consume the detox drink (this means starting to drink lots of water up to a day before consuming The Stuff)

How to use The Stuff Detox

First off, it’s important to remember that a detox is intended for periodic intensive cleansing, and should thus be a part of an ongoing cleansing routine. It’s also a good idea to eat light meals during your pre-detox regime. This includes fruits, vegetables, and loads of fiber.

Lastly, you will need to follow these simple steps to ensure that The Stuff has a significant effect on your natural cleansing process:

Step 1: Pick the day and specific time that you intend on using The Stuff for intensive cleansing (i.e. if you have a drug screening at 2:00 pm, it may be wise to plan to drink the bottle around noon or 1:00 pm, and begin your pre-detox at least 24 hrs prior than this

Step 2: Begin your cleansing and pre-detox regime (do this by drinking lots of water and eating the above-mentioned foods)

Step 3: Be sure to shake the bottle well, and proceed to drink the entire
contents of the bottle.

Step 4: Wait 15 minutes and then refill the bottle with water. Shake and drink again.

Step 5: Make sure to urinate frequently, as urinating between 3-4 times will indicate that you are
experiencing optimal cleansing with your detox.

Step 6: Try to drink 16 oz. of water every two hours after using The Stuff. This will extend your
cleansing benefits throughout the day.

The Stuff Detox Review: Final Thoughts

Generally speaking, the only sure way to pass a drug test is by abstaining from it prior to the test. However, for those who want a quick fix, it seems that The Stuff Detox could provide a potential – and VERY inexpensive – answer. It’s a simple detox drink that is available to purchase at a low cost, and the instructions are straightforward. If you have tried this product before, let us know if the comments section how it worked for you – we’re always super interested to hear what our readers have to say.


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