Glaxon Xeno Energy Can:
- Help Build Muscle
- Increases Energy Levels
- Preserve Lean Muscle Mass
- Enhance Recovery
- Increase Muscle Endurance
- Support Joint Health
- Maintain Proper Hydration
- Improve Bone Strength
Maximize Muscle Growth and Recovery!
Do you feel like you’re not making the gains you expect from the effort you put in at the gym? It may be a matter of not fully recovering from your workouts before getting back after it. While your enthusiasm to get back into the gym is admirable, we need to slightly pump the brakes and make sure you’re recovering properly.
To build mounds of muscle, you need to tear down the muscle fibers so that they can be rebuilt to come back bigger and stronger. A limiting factor when attempting to build quality lean muscle tissue is your recovery. If you hit the muscle again in the gym before it’s properly recovered, you’re essentially taking one step forward and two backward.
Amino acids are crucial to your recovery as they are the building blocks of muscle – and we’re not just talking about BCAAs. Research has shown that while BCAAs are useful, results are maximized by including all 9 essential amino acids (EAAs). That’s where Glaxon Xeno Amino shines.
Glaxon Xeno Amino is specifically formulated to enhance muscle recovery, aid in staying anabolic, and help add the lean muscle mass you’ve been looking for. It doesn’t stop there, Xeno Amino is also the perfect addition to any weight loss program as it can effectively help preserve lean muscle mass while in a caloric deficit.
The inclusion of Xeno Amino in your supplement regimen does much more than help build and preserve muscle. Glaxon Xeno Amino can help support both joints and bones while also aiding with maintaining proper intra-muscular hydration levels, which are all critical components to staying healthy while training with intensity.
Glaxon Xeno Amino is available in three mouth-watering flavors – Sour Berries, Peachy, and Pine Berry Slush.

Magnesium Citrate – Plays a role in nerve and muscular health and functioning
Sodium Chloride – Helps maintain proper fluid balance and hydration in the body while also aiding in increasing the absorption of other electrolytes
Potassium Citrate – Can help with proper nerve functioning while also helping prevent muscle cramps and metabolizing carbohydrates
MyoSeq™ – A trademarked blend of a science-based amino acid ratio that offers support for muscle protein synthesis, exercise-induced fatigue, muscle tissue preservation, and can improve muscle recovery
Astrolyte™ Electrolyte Blend – Composed of Fructooligosaccharides, Magnesium Citrate, Sodium Chloride, and Potassium Citrate, this blend helps support cellular functions, helps maintain proper hydration and fluid balance, aids in muscular contractions, and can improve workout performance
Taurine – A useful amino acid that helps maintain proper hydration, can increase exercise performance, may aid in fat-burning during exercise, decrease muscle fatigue, and improve muscular contractions
Caffeine Anhydrous – Aids in boosting energy levels while decreasing fatigue, supports recovery following workouts, and can improve cognition
Hyaluronic Acid – Helps flood the muscles with water to aid in proper hydration levels while also aiding in lubricating the joints and supporting bone strength
Astragin® – A 100% natural and patented compound that helps increase the absorption of ingredients such as amino acids to allow for maximum results while also promoting gut health
Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement, mix ½ to 1 scoop into 16oz (~500mL) of water and mix vigorously. Xeno Amino is best taken 30-45 minutes before exercise but can be consumed pre-, intra-, or post-workout. Xeno Amino can also be taken on off-days to promote anabolism and enhance muscle recovery.
Xeno Energy Amino is an amino acid supplement that is inclusive of all Essential Amino Acids, and Branched Chain Amino Acids. Additionally, it hyaluronic acid to further support joint health, and repair of myo-facial tissue. It also has the amino acid Taurine with a Glaxon’s new Astrolyte™ Electrolyte Blend to further promote muscle hydration and added caffeine for elevated energy levels.
If you work out hard and get sore muscles, Xeno Amino’s job is to repair, restore, and reduce the amount of time needed for recovery. If you want to bounce back quicker and stronger from your most strenuous workouts with less soreness and downtime, this is why you would take Xeno Amino. Even if you’re looking to promote more recovery on off-days, Xeno can be consumed throughout the day to further perpetuate muscle repair.
Xeno Amino works on three specific levels. First, it contains taurine and Astrolyte™ to promote intracellular muscle hydration and prevent cramping. Secondly, the hyaluronic acid is needed by tissues at the muscle surface, the fascia – as well as at the terminal ends where the muscle tissue meets the cartilage. Then we have developed a combination of all 20 amino acids, called Myo-Seq™. Myo-Seq™ is a precise amino acid ratio based on the amino acid sequence of skeletal muscle tissue, which is perfect for muscle protein synthesis because it provides the right amino acids, in the right proportions needed to build muscle as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Xeno Amino is best taken 45-60 minutes prior to, during, or after exercise. You can either take ½ scoop or 1 full scoop dissolved into 16oz (500mL) of water, and mix vigorously.
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