

Agmatine SulfateAgmatine Sulfate

Agmatine Sulfate

Agmatine Sulfate helps build muscle mass by delivering much needed nutrients to the muscles and helping increase vasodilation.  This results in extreme pumps and immediate visual results during training.


Agmatine Sulfate helps build muscle mass by delivering much needed nutrients to the muscles and helping increase vasodilation.  This results in extreme pumps and immediate visual results during exercise, especially resistance weight training. Agmatine Sulfate also stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone which may positively impact testosterone levels.



Agmatine Sulfate works by raising the levels of eNos (signals for distillation to increase blood flow, lowering blood pressure and exportation of cellular waste) in the body.






It produces badass pumps by increasing eNos and Nitric Oxide levels in the body…this produces an elevated blood flow (vasodilation) and helps decrease blood pressure.






It also



  • Supports cognitive function 
  • Helps decrease blood glucose while enhancing endorphin production 
  • Increases exercise performance 




It a metabolite of L-Arginine, has been around for over 100 years.  It has many uses, benefits and  has proven to be very effective the sports industry by supporting unreal pumps, helping increase endurance and supporting recovery






itcan be added to almost any supplement regime for added benefits!



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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. *

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