The Beast Anabolic Activator is specifically formulated for those involved in resistance training such as bodybuilders, power lifters and all weight-training athletes. 20% Alcohol Volume. Homeopathic Ingredients: Somatotrophin (GH) 6C, Gonadostimuline 6C, Chorionic Gonadotrophine 6C, Folliculostimuline 6C, Adrenocorti-Cotrophine 9C, Thyroidinum 6C, Adrenalinum 6C, Progesterone 9C, Orchitinum 6C, Dopamine 6C, Acetylcholine 6C, RNA 6C, DNA 6C, A.T.P. 6C, Leucine 4C, Isoleucine 4C, Valine 4C, Glutamine 4C, Estrone 12C, Estradiol 12C, Cortisone 12C, Saw Palmetto 3C, Tribulus Terrestris 3C, Insulinum 6C.